Jonathan Ballenger
Jonathan Ballenger


Jonathan Augustus Ballenger was born on November 3, 1997, in Omaha, Nebraska. He received his high school diploma in 2016 from Wentworth Military Academy in Lexington, Missouri and received the Honor Unit with Distinction Award. 

During the second semester of his senior year at Wentworth, Jonathan attended the American School of Ulaanbaatar, in Mongolia and taught English to 4th grade elementary students. He briefly attended the University of Nebraska-Lincoln School of Business where he was on the Dean’s List. Jonathan graduated from Dordt University in December 2022 with a BA in Business Administration. While at Dordt University, he participated in collegiate football. 

Jonathan participated in several Honor Flights to recognize veterans and was inspired by their stories. He made the decision to be re­-baptized as an adult in the last 24 months and spent many hours in deep, theological discussions with Pastor Rick Sweenie.

Jonathan had recently graduated from Dordt University, and while at Dordt Jonathan played collegiate football, and was pursuing fall employment.

Jonathan Ballenger died unexpectedly on June 30, 2023 on his way to San Antonio, Texas to visit family. Jonathan was accompanied by his mother Cristy Ballenger and had a bright future ahead of him.


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